Page 39 - You Are Terrific
P. 39

About The Author    


                          After  receiving  his  college  degree  in
                          philosophy,  he  was  drafted  into  the  United
                          States  Army.  He  served  in  Vietnam  as  a
                          chaplain’s  assistant,  and  was  awarded  the
                          Bronze  Star  Medal  for  meritorious  service
                          and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.

                          Following his military service, he went into broadcast sales
                          and  eventually  led  the  most  financially  successful  small
                          market radio station in the nation in the late 1970s.    


                          He has written six other books, and has narrated five of
                          them for

                          After  working  with  teens  for  eighteen  years  on  getting
                          them into right-fit colleges, they inspired him to write the
                          book,  Inspiration  For  Teens,  which  ranked  #1  in  its
                          category on Amazon in 2021.      


                          He has since converted the book to video, which has been
                          recognized  as  a  character  development  program  to
                          enhance  the  growth  and  self-esteem  of  teens  and  pre-


                          He founded a non-profit company in 2021 to help defend
                          our youth against the negative influences of local schools,
                          and uses his books and videos as defensive instruments
                          that have proven popular with homeschoolers.         


                          If you would like to contact the author, click here.

                          He  lives  with  his  wife,  Ann  Marie,  in  Ashland,  MA.  They
                          have two sons, John and Mark, and three grandchildren,
                          Mason, Lyla, and Anya.
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